Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Obama and Iran

President Barack Obama stepped up his rhetoric against what we in the west considers to be a regime in Iran condemning the "Iron Fist" of the iranian government. Apparently this President just like most of those before him eventually bows to pressure. Oh yes, the political pressure taking a tougher stance against the events going on in Iran could not possibly been missed by anyone. Question is, was this the best course of action for the United States and the rest of the world?

It seems to me we have given the iranian government more cause by serving them "us interfering with their internal affairs showing our true empirical colors". There is obviously no truth in the US wanting to rule the entire world but considering our foreign policies and constant intereference whether asked for or not around this globe you definitely could make the argument. That is exactly what the iranian government will do with this. Rumors of CIA support of those opposing President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have already surfaced. Who knows, there may be truth in that and there may not be. Point being, the world really do not trust us either and that is because of mistakes made in the past and a media machine promoting sensation instead of reporting actual facts.

Another question we really have to ask ourselves; are we blowing this event in Iran out of proportion? Historically, the US has not been very popular in the region since the Shah and us supporting Iraq in its war against Iran is most likely not forgotten. Where in all this do we believe that Ahmadinejad's opposition like us anymore than he does? How different do we actually believe the country of Iran would be if the opposition were given power? Would it no longer be the Islamic Republic of Iran? Is there anybody else out there who doubts that any major change would occur? Why do we always assume that people around the world wants our western style democracy? I believe that is one major flaw in our foreign policies. In theory spreading democracy sounds great in speeches and headlines but in practice it seems more like forcing our way of life on people that may not agree with our lifestyle. So why do I think we may blow this out of proportion? Well, public unrest is not limited to what we like to call regimes. We have public unrest in the west as well and those "peaceful" demonstrations are not always so peaceful and people get hurt and arrested there as well. So what is the difference? They have their laws and we have ours. Just because I happen to live in a country were the word freedom is generously used it does not mean I can do whatever I want legally or morally.

Would I as a person be happy living in Iran? Probably not. However, it is my firm belief that if the majority of the people in Iran wants change then they will eventually see to it. Im sure there are many who think that it is our duty to help out the people of Iran, but is it really? What is the point of the United Nations? Any interference at this point by the US will just result in bad publicity in the long run as history shows us if we're willing to learn from it. Not to mention more of my tax dollars spent in a region that really do not want our help. As I see it we have two choices: 1) seriously change our way of life and reduce the dependency of oil or 2) drill in Alaska. Neither are very popular since we're dealing with oil companies and environmentalists.

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